Despite a decline in user numbers, tech-savvy enthusiasts remain loyal to the decentralized social network. Approximately six months after Elon...
Considering its 27.1% smartphone market share, Samsung is contemplating a shift to Microsoft's Bing, featuring ChatGPT technology. As per a...
How can you confirm whether there have been security breaches and if your passwords have been compromised? Imagine this scenario:...
The broadcaster leaves Twitter, echoing NPR's departure amid credibility issues. PBS left Twitter after being labeled "government-funded media," following NPR's...
Rising cryptocurrency value raises worries about widespread market manipulation concerns. Bitcoin has experienced a substantial surge, pushing its value beyond...
Sound financial management is vital for small businesses and startups. Entrepreneurs, recognizing this, should wisely handle finances using valuable tools...
The National Cyber Force works to counter state-sponsored hackers globally, including Russia and China. The recently formed UK hacking unit,...
Elon Musk acknowledges oversight in users' visibility on 'for you' timeline. Twitter initially intended to limit "for you" timeline to...
The current newsletter highlights Anna Wintour's purported decision to exclude the entire Kardashian family from the Met Gala's prestigious guest...
Alternative housing will be offered to refugees with notice. UK-based Afghan refugees risk homelessness as they transition from hotels to...